We are Confraternity of St. James – Croatia, a nonprofit association whose goal is to promote the rich cultural, historical and spiritual heritage of El Camino de Santiago – The Way of St. James. We follow the tradition of Croatian confraternities who were helping pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela since 1203 AD.  

Our Confraternity is the official Croatian representative at the Archicofradía Universal del Apóstol Santiago at Santiago de Compostela. We’ve published the Croatian Credential, organized several pilgrimages to Santiago, participated in international conferences and are actively engaged in several projects. Our most significant project is Camino Croatia – restoration of medieval pilgrimage trails from Croatia to Santiago de Compostela.

Camino Croatia is a project that aims to promote common European cultural heritage and identity, help the sustainable development of local communities, promote healthy living habits and uniquely effective stress relief, bring people together from different segments of the society, as well as to help people find their inner peace.  

Camino is an experience open to people of all nations, races, ages, beliefs, values .. We’d love to help you get started on your Camino, here you can discover more.

The project aims to restore medieval pilgrimage routes leading from Croatia to Santiago de Compostela. It is not just about marking the path but to provide an intense “Camino experience” and an opportunity for pilgrims to discover Croatia’s rich cultural, historical and religious heritage set in some of the most beautiful natural scenery imaginable.

Click here for more information.

Official approved by the Pilgrim Office at Santiago de Compostela the Croatian Credential – pilgrim passport, can be used on all Camino routes. You can get it in our webshop.

Its design is inspired by Croatian tradition, with red and white checkerboard, traditional Croatian medieval pattern to the rosette on St. James cathedral in Šibenik, on UNESCO World Heritage List. It also features a map of Croatian churches, dedicated to St. James.

An opportunity to send prayer requests to pilgrims walking the Camino. After praying a short prayer for specific prayer request, (a kind of prayer arrow), the pilgrim would place a pebble near the Camino road marker, then take a photo and posted it back as a reply to each prayer request on Facebook.

Here you can find financial reports of our association.

2023. financial reports

2022. financial reports