It is difficult to be a believer every day. Perhaps where I come from it is not popular to be one. Perhaps no one taught me that. Perhaps at some point in my life my faith faded or I lost it altogether. Perhaps I am too busy, or too educated or too realistic or too disillusioned to accept the idea of faith.  The idea of surrendering to something that’s impossible to prove.

Jesus knows who you are. Jesus accepts you the way you are. Jesus tells you, the way you are: “At least believe on the evidence of the works themselves.“ Isn’t your very presence here now, on this way, at least a small sign of faith?  The sign that you are searching? A sign that you are not satisfied with your everyday life and that you are ready to receive more than that? The path that you are treading now is your sign.  It is a great venture and a challenge that is certain to change you. If not otherwise, then for this venture you are undertaking right now, believe.